Unfortunately we have to admit that the full freedom of expression in Ukraine has not been achieved. Moreover, freedom of expression has actually declined. As we can see, the situation is critical: Ukrainians are once again afraid to speak the truth, because of fear for the lives. I think the society itself must address this problem. If the nation unites in speaking the truth, it would shake up the government and prompt them to reconsider their actions. Let's put fear and doubts aside, let's stay honest and not allow those in power to destroy the biggest value - freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of thought, and freedom of expression! That's why we, the association of journalists «Independence House» are initiating a survey on the following topic:
«Do you consider Ukraine as a free country?»
This survey will became a first stage of the series of our research projects on various aspects of democratic development issues in Ukraine. We also plan to produce a series of publications on human rights in Ukrainian and English in order to combat the recent deterioration of journalistic standards in Ukraine. Taking in to consideration that we do hold a national election to Verhovna Rada next year, we are firmly convinced that the results of our projects will certainly influence various layers of Ukrainian population in their recognition that the democracy is the only legitimate and accepted goal.