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Main » 2014 » February » 2 » Repressive measures against Journalists and EuroMaidan activists.
6:55 PM
Repressive measures against Journalists and EuroMaidan activists.

As protests continue in Ukraine, journalists are finding themselves increasingly under threat from different parts of the country we constantly receive signals about intimidation and aggression towards reporters and the situation appears not have improved in the meantime. In some cases, journalists appear to have been specifically targeted. Away from the media headlines, ordinary Ukrainians — journalists, human rights activists, trade unionists—suffer political persecution. Many endure violence, imprisonment or exile. Elsewhere, out-of-court persecution of public activists has not stopped. Violations of freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association have grown more aggressive. While the imprisonment of high profile politicians gains mass media coverage, the plight of public activists, journalists, human rights activists, NGO members, participants of trade union, youth and student movements receives little to no attention. The crimes against journalists and EuroMaidan activists in Ukraine are generally not investigated and the culprits not held to answer.

That’s why the association of journalists «Independence House» in cooperation with the newspaper «Pravo na Pravdu» constantly provide coverage of the intimidation and attacks on all activists who took part in peaceful protests since publicity is becoming virtually the only way of defending tens and hundreds of people.

All our work and activities are currently based on non-profit journalism.

It’s an immense privilege for us to consider you among those who might care about all the issues. Therefore we want to ask for some monetary donations to support our further journalistic investigations and publications in order to uncover the truth and stop the intimidation that has become a part of daily life in Ukraine. If any person reading this article will be ready for help - feel free to give us a call at phone number (given in ‘Contact Us’ section) with any questions or concerns. We thank you in advance for your support!

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«  February 2014  »